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As advocates of lifetime learning, we strive to create unique products which help all the stakeholders in the education space. Alongside tuition, mentoring, and  bi-annual college readiness seminars for our students and parents, we look to our students to partake in many unique opportunities, which expose them to areas outside of academics. 


B A T C H L E A R 2023 

Every school is different. But within each school, there is congruency. 

BatchLearn provides school-specific and curriculum-aligned education for students - On-demand revisions of EXACT Class content

Tuteled ~ Summarize
 (2022 - )

Scientific progress in the past 3 decades has increased student learning requirements. As a result, students are overwhelmed and often resort to memorization of facts without any logical precedence. Our goal with summarize is to create summaries of major topics so students can have a broader and more fundamental understanding of hard topics. Whether it is understanding cellular respiration or calculating the gravity of a planetary object, we believe any topic can be simplified and understood better by learning the fundamentals and visualizing the "big picture".  


AxisEDU Peer & Georgia Tech Collab- WuToo & Dekalb county
Community services (2020- ongoing)

WuToo is a non-profit organization in Dekalb county helping young women in all areas of life. AxisEDU is an education partner of WuToo.


AxisEDU students and educators volunteered to help these students through a distance learning program during the most difficult times of the pandemic. GT Undergrad students also lead the way in this endeavor. By bridging the technological gap, we were able to simplify the learning experience and engage students effectively. 



Parents and students - interested in unique opportunities?

Whether it is volunteering hours or a paid job, these experiences are guaranteed to make your college application stand out. Reach out to us by clicking below and filling out the form!
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